Annual Maintenance is performed by IGSA Certifying Staff
- An Inspector will be allocated to perform the maintenance and inspect the glider
- Complete the Work Order on a From 200 noting any maintenance carried required
- The Certifying Staff will perform the maintenance and complete the Form 200
- Included on the Form 200 following any non-routine maintenance.
- The Inspector will also issue the CRS in Form 200 (Certificate Release to Service)
Additional forms may be required:
- Form 202 recording individual maintenance items where parts are removed. A 2nd independent inspection may be required for some parts that could impact flying safety such as controls, elevators, rudder, ailerons
- Form 208 recording Weight and Balance
- MIP (EASA MIP customised for the glider) or
- DAH (from maintenance manual) maintenance check sheet or
- MPLA check list
The Form 200 Workpack and any other reports (weighing, repair etc) must be added to the Glider’s Maintenance Files, The workpack should be given a unique number and this should be recorded in the logbook. The unique numbers take the form of 200/GGG/yyyymmdd/XY where GGG=Glider registration and XY are the Certifying Staff’s initials.