FlyWithCE Approval

The IGSA is pleased to announce that they have approved the FlyWithCE Flight Recorder for Position Recording for all flights within Ireland including Silver and Gold Badge Flights Note that altitiude recording is only GPS based and a 100m margin must be added to be acceptable. Pull details of the approval are in this document IGS […]

New Airspace

Hi all, Attached is a new file which incorporates recent airspace changes. It has been tested in SeeYou, SeeYou Mobile, Winpilot and XCSoar and seems to work with no reported problems. The significant changes are to the Dublin CTR which has been expanded in our direction and which extends from 5,000′ to the ground and […]

New Turnpoints

The Irish Turnpoint have been revised and expanded. They now include Northern Ireland and new turnpoints in the midlands. The Trunpoints are available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange web site. See the Turnpoints page

Airworthiness Forms withdrawn

Airworthiness Forms withdrawn 25th September 2009 All existing Airworthiness forms have been withdrawn pending the issuing of a new series of forms. New EASA Regulations take effect from the 28th September 2009 and new, approved, versions of all forms and documents are required. These will be published in early October.

IGSA Receives Part-M Approvals

IGSA Receives Part-M Approvals 2nd March 2010 At a short ceremony at IAA HQ in Dublin, the IGSA recieved EASA Part-M Approvals. The IAA party was lead by Mr Kevin Humphries, Head of Safety Regulation. This event marks the end of a three year project which involved both IAA and IGSA personnel. These approvals mean […]